Cheat sheet - Kerbal Space Program Wiki (2024)

Cheat sheet - Kerbal Space Program Wiki (1)

This page or section is in need of being brought up to date. Please help Kerbal Space Program Wiki by fixing inaccurate or outdated information.
  • This page provides false information about the Δv required in planets with atmospheres. A lot of the information on this page has to be either removed or updated.
  • Due to migration problems, The Δv map cannot be updated.

Kerbal Space Program rocket scientist's cheat sheet: Delta-v maps, equations and more for your reference so you can get from here to there and back again.


  • 1 Mathematics
    • 1.1 Thrust-to-weight ratio (TWR)
    • 1.2 Specific Impulse (Isp)
    • 1.3 Delta-v (Δv)
      • 1.3.1 Basic calculation
      • 1.3.2 True Δv of a stage that crosses from atmosphere to vacuum
      • 1.3.3 Maps
      • 1.3.4 Maximum Δv chart
  • 2 Math examples
    • 2.1 TWR
    • 2.2 Isp
    • 2.3 Δv
    • 2.4 Maximum Δv
    • 2.5 True Δv
  • 3 See also


Thrust-to-weight ratio (TWR)

→ See also: Thrust-to-weight ratio

How hard do your engines push UP? That's "thrust".

How hard does gravity pull DOWN? That's "weight".

The ratio of those two is, surprisingly, the "thrust-to-weight" ratio.

If thrust is pushing harder than weight, your rocket goes up! Hooray!

If weight is pulling harder than thrust, your rocket does not go up. Sad!

That's the "thrust-to-weight" ratio, or TWR, in a nutshell.

Cheat sheet - Kerbal Space Program Wiki (2)


  • Cheat sheet - Kerbal Space Program Wiki (3) is the thrust of the engines
  • Cheat sheet - Kerbal Space Program Wiki (4) the total mass of the craft
  • Cheat sheet - Kerbal Space Program Wiki (5) the local gravitational acceleration (usually surface gravity)

If TWR is less than one, then your rocket will not be going into space. You will need more engines, or perhaps MOAR BOOSTERZ!

If TWR is significantly above, say, 2.0, your rocket will ZOOM! But it might ZOOM too hard for your poor Kerbalnauts. Most rockets, straight off the launch pad, will utilize a TWR between 1.5 and 2.0.

Specific Impulse (Isp)

→ See also: Specific impulse

Specific impulse measures the efficiency of a particular engine. Because this depends on the pressure of a rocket's surroundings, this can change between Sea Level and Vacuum (in space). Most engines are designed for optimal performance either at Sea Level (the big ones that drive your first stage and boosters, which have lots of thrust!) or Vacuum (where they won't burn as much propellant, but can be VERY efficient).

Specific impulse is used in important equations like THE ROCKET EQUATION (see next section) to determine how much oomph (or "delta-vee") you can get out of a given amount of propellant. The higher the specific impulse, the more efficient an engine is!

In real life, specific impulse is governed by things like combustion chamber pressure and propellant energy (hydrogen/oxygen is more efficient than kerosene/oxgyen). Fortunately for Jebediah, our dear Kerbals only have one brand of fuel to worry about.

Delta-v (Δv)

Basic calculation

→ See also: Tutorial:Advanced Rocket Design

Basic calculation of a rocket's Δv. Use the atmospheric and vacuum thrust values for atmospheric and vacuum Δv, respectively.

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  • Cheat sheet - Kerbal Space Program Wiki (7) is the velocity change possible in m/s
  • Cheat sheet - Kerbal Space Program Wiki (8) is the starting mass in the same unit as Cheat sheet - Kerbal Space Program Wiki (9)
  • Cheat sheet - Kerbal Space Program Wiki (10) is the end mass in the same unit as Cheat sheet - Kerbal Space Program Wiki (11)
  • Cheat sheet - Kerbal Space Program Wiki (12) is the specific impulse of the engine in seconds

True Δv of a stage that crosses from atmosphere to vacuum

Body Δvout
Kerbin 2500m/s
other bodies' data missing

Calculation of a rocket stage's Δv, taking into account transitioning from atmosphere to vacuum. Δvout is the amount of Δv required to leave a body's atmosphere, not reach orbit. This equation is useful to figure out the actual Δv of a stage that transitions from atmosphere to vacuum.

Cheat sheet - Kerbal Space Program Wiki (13)


Various fan-made maps showing the Δv required to travel to a certain body.

KSP Visual Calculator, online tool that determines delta-v required for multiple checkpoint missions

Subway style Δv map (KSP 1.7.3):

Total Δv values

Δv change values

Δv with Phase Angles

Precise Total Δv values

WAC's Δv Map for KSP 1.0.4

Maximum Δv chart

This chart is a quick guide to what engine to use for a single stage interplanetary ship. No matter how much fuel you add you will never reach these ΔV without staging to shed mass or using the slingshot maneuver. (These calculations use a full/empty fuel-tank mass ratio of 9 for all engines except those noted.)
ISP(Vac) (s) Max Δv (m/s) Engines Remarks
250 5249 O-10 "Puff" Monopropellant (max full/empty mass ratio = 8.5)
290 6249 LV-1R "Spider"
24-77 "Twitch"
300 6464 KR-1x2 "Twin-Boar"
305 6572 CR-7 R.A.P.I.E.R.
Mk-55 "Thud"
310 6680 LV-T30 "Reliant"
RE-M3 "Mainsail"
315 6787 LV-1 "Ant"
KS-25 "Vector"
KS-25x4 "Mammoth"
320 6895 48-7S "Spark"
LV-T45 "Swivel"
RE-I5 "Skipper"
340 7326 KR-2L+ "Rhino"
T-1 "Dart"
345 7434 LV-909 "Terrier"
350 7542 RE-L10 "Poodle"
800 17238 LV-N "Nerv"
4200 58783 IX-6315 "Dawn" Xenon (max full/empty mass ratio = 4.167)

(Version: 1.6.1)

Math examples


  • Copy template:
TWR = F / (m * g) > 1


  1. When Isp is the same for all engines in a stage, then the Isp is equal to a single engine. So six 200 Isp engines still yields only 200 Isp.
  2. When Isp is different for engines in a single stage, then use the following equation:
  • Equation:

Cheat sheet - Kerbal Space Program Wiki (16)

  • Simplified:
Isp = ( F1 + F2 + ... ) / ( ( F1 / Isp1 ) + ( F2 / Isp2 ) + ... )
  • Explained:
Isp = ( Force of thrust of 1st engine + Force of thrust of 2nd engine...and so on... ) / ( ( Force of thrust of 1st engine / Isp of 1st engine ) + ( Force of thrust of 2nd engine / Isp of 2nd engine ) + ...and so on... )
  • Example:
Two engines, one rated 200 newtons and 120 seconds Isp; another engine rated 50 newtons and 200 seconds Isp.
Isp = (200 newtons + 50 newtons) / ( ( 200 newtons / 120 ) + ( 50 newtons / 200 ) = 130.4347826 seconds Isp


  1. For atmospheric Δv value, use atmospheric Cheat sheet - Kerbal Space Program Wiki (17) values.
  2. For vacuum Δv value, use vacuum Cheat sheet - Kerbal Space Program Wiki (18) values.
  3. Use this equation to figure out the Δv per stage:
  • Equation:

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  • Simplified:
Δv = ln ( Mstart / Mdry ) * Isp * g
  • Explained:
Δv = ln ( starting mass / dry mass ) X Isp X 9.81
  • Example:
Single stage rocket that weighs 23 tons when full, 15 tons when fuel is emptied, and engine that outputs 120 seconds Isp.
Δv = ln ( 23 Tons / 15 Tons ) × 120 seconds Isp × 9.81m/s² = Total Δv of 503.0152618 m/s

Maximum Δv

Simplified version of the Δv calculation to find the maximum Δv a craft with the given ISP could hope to achieve. This is done by using a magic 0 mass engine and not having a payload.
  • Equation:
Cheat sheet - Kerbal Space Program Wiki (20)
  • Simplified:
Δv =21.576745349086 * Isp
  • Explained / Examples:
This calculation only uses the mass of the fuel tanks and so the ln ( Mstart / Mdry ) part of the Δv equation has been replaced by a constant as Mstart / Mdry is always 9 (or worse with some fuel tanks) regardless of how many fuel tanks you use.
The following example will use a single stage and fuel tanks in the T-100 to Jumbo 64 range with an engine that outputs 380 seconds Isp.
Δv = ln ( 18 Tons / 2 Tons ) × 380 seconds Isp × 9.81m/s² = Maximum Δv of 8199.1632327878 m/s
Δv = 2.1972245773 × 380 seconds Isp × 9.82m/s² = Maximum Δv of 8199.1632327878 m/s (Replaced the log of mass with a constant as the ratio of total mass to dry mass is constant regardless of the number of tanks used as there is no other mass involved)
Δv = 21.576745349086 × 380 seconds Isp = Maximum Δv of 8199.1632327878 m/s (Reduced to its most simple form by combining all the constants)

True Δv

  1. How to calculate the Δv of a rocket stage that transitions from Kerbin atmosphere to vacuum.
  2. Assumption: It takes roughly 2500m/s of Δv to escape Kerbin's atmosphere before vacuum Δv values take over for the stage powering the transition (actual value ranges between 2000m/s and 3400m/s depending on ascent). Note that, as of KSP 1.3.1, around 3800m/s of Δv is required to reach an 80km orbit from the KSC.
  3. Note: This equation is a guess, an approximation, and is not 100% accurate. Per forum user stupid_chris who came up with the equation: "The results will vary a bit depending on your TWR and such, but it should usually be pretty darn accurate."
  • Equation for Kerbin atmospheric escape:

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  • Simplified:
True Δv = ( ( Δv atm - 2500 ) / Δv atm ) * Δv vac + 2500
  • Explained:
True Δv = ( ( Total Δv in atmosphere - 2500 m/s) / Total Δv in atmosphere ) X Total Δv in vacuum + 2500
  • Example:
Single stage with total atmospheric Δv of 5000 m/s, and rated 6000 Δv in vacuum.
Transitional Δv = ( ( 5000 Δv atm - 2500 Δv required to escape Kerbin atmosphere ) / 5000 Δv atm ) X 6000 Δv vac + 2500 Δv required to escape Kerbin atmosphere = Total Δv of 5500 m/s

See also

  • Tutorials
  • Terminology
  • The Drawing Board: A library of tutorials and other useful information
Cheat sheet - Kerbal Space Program Wiki (2024)


Do people at NASA play KSP? ›

Some people at NASA are using Kerbal Space Program to experiment in ways that real-world environments wouldn't allow. Kerbal Space Program has spread beyond the gaming community. Just ask NASA, they are fans.

What is the hardest planet to return from in KSP? ›

Tylo is one of the worst places to land and return from. It's in the outer solar system, far away from home, and you need to bring a ton of fuel to even land, let alone get your ass back home. Tylo is about the same size/mass as Kerbin but there is no atmosphere.

Are there cheats in Kerbal Space Program? ›

Pressing ALT+F12 gave you access to the Debug Mode. In Early Access, you can toggle Unbreakable Joints, No Crash Damage, Infinite Propellant, and Infinite Electricity in the Settings Menu under General.

What is the easiest planet Kerbal? ›

Duna orbits Kerbol with an inclination nearly identical to that of Kerbin, making it one of the easiest planets to encounter.

What does Elon Musk think about Kerbal Space Program? ›

"Kerbal is awesome!" - Elon Musk 'Nuff said!

Is KSP a Mexican game? ›

Kerbal Space Program (KSP) is a space flight simulation video game developed by Mexican studio Squad for Linux, macOS, Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One.

Can you escape the sun in KSP? ›

The sphere of influence (SOI) of the Sun (Kerbol) is infinite, making the Sun (Kerbol) inescapable. Thus, achieving gravitation-free flight is impossible. With a powerful enough ship, it is possible to get to the point where the info tab will display the craft's situation as "escaping" the Sun (Kerbol).

What is the lifespan of a Kerbal? ›

In the game, the average life expectancy for kerbals is 300 years (aging is four times slower than in real life, even though time progresses the same).

Do any KSP planets have rings? ›

Voon is known as the 6th and largest planet around Kerbol. It is one of the 2 gas giants in the Kerbol System and the only planet with a well-defined ring system.

How to get KSP cheat menu? ›

Press ALT+F12 to access the debug console, which you can use to enjoy unlimited fuel, unbreakable joints, and other helpful perks.

Do satellites do anything in KSP? ›

But when you get further away from Kerbine you need communication satellites to be able to control probes when there is no Kerbal on board. This also is needed if you are on the dark side of a planet, when the planet blocks the direct communication with your space center. Science will only transmit so much.

Is KSP kid friendly? ›

This game is great for kids seven and up, not because it's violent or scary it's just pretty hard to play and isn't for kids who want to learn with their screen time. In this game you learn about physics, aerodynamics orbital mechanics, money managing, geography and much more!

Can you orbit the moon in KSP? ›

Synchronous orbit around the Mun is not possible, since it would have to occur at an altitude of 2 970.58 km, beyond the Mun's sphere of influence. However, putting your spacecraft just outside Mun's SOI and having the same semi-major axis would make it appear stationary.

What is the most powerful engine in Kerbal? ›

The S3 KS-25x4 "Mammoth" Liquid Fuel Engine is a size 3 liquid fuel engine. It is the most powerful (and most expensive) engine available in the game.

Where can you play KSP? ›

Buy Kerbal Space Program Official Site PC Xbox One PS4 | KSP | Private Division Store.

Do you need to be smart to play KSP? ›

If your goal is to create the biggest explosion possible and kill all your kerbals, anyone can do that. If you want to get to the outer solar system, that's a bit trickier but you can do it with a few guides and a lot of playing with the manuever nodes. It's rocket science for everyone.

How many people play KSP? ›

Kerbal Space Program
MonthAvg. PlayersPeak Players
Last 30 Days1,852.92,673
July 20241,902.22,931
June 20242,020.73,381
May 20241,665.52,651
94 more rows

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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Name: Allyn Kozey

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.