30 Goal Ideas To Nourish Your Mind, Body, and Soul - The Blissful Mind (2024)

Back in January, I set myself three small and attainable goals to accomplish throughout the month instead of setting New Years Resolutions (because who ever sticks to those anyway?). I never intended to make ita monthly thing, but it sort of just evolved into something that I’ve stuck to and shared on theblog eachmonth– and everyone seems to enjoy reading about them!

30 Goal Ideas To Nourish Your Mind, Body, and Soul - The Blissful Mind (1)

I’m all about self-development and setting small goals in order to achieve larger ones, and even though I didn’t plan this either, I realized that I’ve been setting myself goals thatfall into one of three categories:mind goals, body goals, and soul goals (look, I rhymed!).

By setting myself mini-goals for 30 days, I’ve given myself the opportunity to challenge myself, create new habits, and try things I’ve always wanted to but feltI haven’thadthe time. Although I haven’t maintained all of the habits I’ve tried to create, this process has helped me figure out what’s actually important for me to do regularly in order to staysane.

Because I know people are always looking for examples ofpersonal goals, I thought I’d round up thegoals I’ve set for myself over the past year with a few extras thrown in that can help nourish your entire being.

Whether you want to start setting monthly goals or stick to one goal at a time, this list is sure to give you some ideasif you’re wondering what to start working on next!

P.S. Even if you’re not into the whole goal thing, you’re going to find tons of tips and ideas to keep you healthy andimprove your well-being.

GoalsTo Nourish Your Mind

30 Goal Ideas To Nourish Your Mind, Body, and Soul - The Blissful Mind (2)

We often get caught up in our to-do lists and worry how we’re going to get everything done, so it’s important to give your brain some time to breathe. After all, if your brain isn’t working correctly, nothing is going to work correctly! Here are 10 things you can do to nourish your mind:

Stay offline one day per week.

Take one day of the week (I chose Saturday) to stay completely offline and away from your computer.

Meditate every morning.

Meditation can be intimidating and some people think it will be a little too hippie-ish for them, but even taking five minutes out of your day to sit and do nothing can really help improve your mood. Here are 5 things that helped me start meditating.

Read 20 pages per day.

We all probably wish we read a little more, right? Try reading 10 pages in the morning and 10 pages at night, and you’ll be finishing books in no time!

Journal every day.

If I’m having one of those days where my brain just won’t shut off, I’ve found journaling to be super relaxing. It also helps you find clarity in difficult situations and puts you more in tune with what’s really going on. Even though you may not think you have anything to write, you’d be surprised at what happens once you actually open up a notebook.

Get up when your alarm goes off.

I got into the habit of snoozing basically every time my alarm went off in the morning, so I challenged myself to get up right away. Even though you may want that extra bit of time in bed, you’ll feel a lot less groggy if you just get up.

Limit screen time after work.

Most of us stare at screens all day, and then we come home and stare at screens some more. Try switching it up and get the most out of your free time with these ideas for relaxing after work(and no, they don’t includeNetflix).

Start a gratitude journal.

Either in the morning or before bed, write down 3-5 things you’re grateful for. You’ll start to find joy in the little things and be more appreciative despite anychallenges you might be facing. Here’s a gratitude journal to get you started.

Try the one-tab challenge.

Yes, I’m talkin’ about keeping only one tab open on your browser for a whole month. Check out how I actually survived this challenge here.

Do a media detox.

If you’re feeling a little overwhelmed from all of the information being thrown at you online and in the news,I put together a 7-day media detox challenge to help you slowly reduce the amount of time you spend consuming information.

Take a ‘me’ day.

Some people might not think this is much of a goal, but there are so many of us who genuinely forget to look after ourselves. So schedule a spa day (or pamper yourself at home), book yourself into a hotel room, or just spend an entire day doing something you love.Treat yo self!

Goals To Nourish Your Body

30 Goal Ideas To Nourish Your Mind, Body, and Soul - The Blissful Mind (3)

We all know how important exercise is, but finding the motivation and time to actually do it is always a struggle. If you break this larger goal into smaller chunks, you’ll find it much easier to find something thatworks for you and stick to it. Here are 10 ways to nourish your body:

Walk after lunch or dinner.

Going for a walk after dinner was probably one of my favorite goals that I set for myself. It really helps to reset your brain, let your food digest, and get a nice healthy dose of fresh air before returning back to your desk or couch.

Drink tea instead of coffee/soda.

I’ve been trying to cut out coffee for so long now because I really don’t think it agrees with my body (but I love the taste and smell, y’know?). If you feel like it’s making you dehydrated and it’s breaking your bank account, try switching your usual coffee or soda for a cup of tea.

Squeeze in 10 minutes of exercise per day.

If you struggle to squeeze in gym time (or just don’t have the motivation),tell yourself you only have to work out for 10 minutes. That way, you’re more likely to just get started because it doesn’t seem like a huge commitment. You’ll probably even keep going for longer than 10 minutes once you’reover theinitialhurdle of getting started.

Eat more veggies.

I truly envy anyone who manages to get their daily quota of vegetables in.Fruit is easy enough for me, but I really struggle when it comes to veggies! Decide how many portions you’d like to eat per day, and do a little bit of Pinterest searching for recipes that incorporate veggies (or better yet, ones where you can’t even tell there are veggies in them).

30 days of yoga.

Yoga with Adriene put together an epic 30-day yoga plan that’s perfect for any level of yogi. If you’ve been meaning to try yoga or want to start doing it more regularly, I highly recommend taking the challenge.

Try meal prepping.

If you’re tired of having nothing to eat or spending all of your money on fast food, try setting yourself a goal to meal prep each week for a month (here’s my how-to guide). It’ll save you a whole bunch of time, and you’re much more likely to make healthy choices.

Develop a workout routine.

Consistency is reallyimportantwhen it comes to your health, and having a workoutplan is going to help you stay on track and get you closer to meeting your overall wellness goals. Try following this plan I used duringthe summer(includes a free workout calendar)!

Drink more water.

There are so many benefits to drinking water aside from the fact that your body needs it to survive. Staying hydrated keeps your brain alert and makes your skin glow, yo! Vow to keep a water bottle with you at all times for a month, and see how much better you feel from all of that goodness.

30-day squat challenge.

Want to work on your buns and get a Beyoncé booty? Try this 30-day squat challenge from PopSugar!

Try a new form of exercise.

If you’re really struggling to exercise regularly, maybe you need to try a new kind of exercise. There’s a whole world out there beyond the gym! Challenge yourself to try a new form of exercise during the month. You could try pilates, kickboxing, crossfit, karate, zumba, hip hop, barre…the possibilities are endless!

GoalsTo Nourish Your Soul

30 Goal Ideas To Nourish Your Mind, Body, and Soul - The Blissful Mind (4)

Ah, the soul (also referred toas the spirit). I’m sure it means something different to everyone, but I like to think of it as everything that makes up who you are aside from your mind and body. It could involve your relationships, religion, job, hobbies, interests, etc. However you define the soul, it’s vital that you take care of it and findwhat makes you happiest. Here are 10 ideas to help nourish your soul:

Go to bed at a reasonable time.

Make sleep a priority by creating your own night routine using this post and stickingto it for a whole month. Going to bed early doesn’t make you a grandma, okay? Give yourself permission to rest.

Explore two new places.

See what your hometown and the surrounding area has to offer by visiting two places you’ve never been before. Who says you have to take a plane to travel?

Learn something new.

Whether you want to start learning a new languageor something creative like calligraphy, make some time to challenge your brain in a new way. Brit + Co has an extensive selection of creative workshops you can take online (think lettering, photography, and weaving).

Declutter your home.

If you’ve been meaning to declutter your home for months, take the plunge and get it done with this plan I put together! By decluttering, you can make your space morerelaxing and inviting so that you have one less thing that stresses you out!

Try the envelope system.

In order to save money and get a little wiser with your spending, try budgeting out your money for the month and keeping your cash in envelopes. You’ll start to be more conscious of how you spend your paychecks, and your bank account isgoing to thank you! Check out Dave Ramsey’s guide to getting started.

Get started on one thing you’ve been putting off.

Whether it’s a task that’s just been nagging at your forever, or something bigger that you’ve been wanting to start, just get started! Break it out into 30 small chunks and do one task eachdaythroughoutthe month.

Go au natural.

And by this, I mean your hair! Try giving your locks a break for a month without heat styling. You’ll save time in the morning and get your hair back into a healthier state.


Give back to your community by volunteering – even for just a day!It’ll make you feel good, and you’ll be doing a whole lot of good for others. Double whammy!

Reach out to someone.

I’m sure we all have someone we’ve been meaning to get in touch with for a while, whether that be your grandma or an old friend from school (or maybe even a blogger you want tocollaboratewith). Set yourself a goal to finally connect with them and ask them some genuinely thoughtful questions.

Start a capsule wardrobe.

If you’re tired of feeling like you have nothing to wear or you just feel overwhelmed by your closet, why not start a capsule wardrobe? It’s basically a way to ensure that every itemin your closet goes withthe rest of your clothes so you always have something to wear (and it’ll take you less time to get ready in the morning).

What goals have you set for yourself in the past?

81 Responses

  1. Oh my god I’m obsessed with this post! SO many good ideas. Beautiful work Catherine! xo


    1. Thank you, lovely Lauren!


      1. I love doing these things ???????


    2. Good job Lauren Burkitt .


  2. This is soooo good! You make me so excited and inspired Catherine :)


    1. Hehe aww Naomi! I’m glad this gets you excited!


  3. I have so much love for this post! Thank you for your positivity and motivation, I definitely want to try and make a mental list of goals for each month and now I have the inspiration to do that! You always have such fantastic ideas and you make me look at the world in a fresh and wonderful way, thank you for this uplifting read sweetheart! xxxxx



    1. You’re always so supportive when I post my monthly goals, so I had a feeling you might like this post ;) And I’m so glad I make you look at the world in a fresh way – that makes me so happy!


      1. Thank you so much for this!!! So inspiring and empowering


    1. Thank you so much, Virginia! Let me know how it goes and what you choose for you goals :D


    1. I love finding people who think the same way as I do! So glad to have you as a reader, Viviene :)


  4. I definitely need to work on limiting screen time! Even though I’m travelling there is free wifi everywhere and it’s so dangerous! Thanks for sharing a great list – definitely something for everyone on it! :)


    1. Really, free wifi?! That’s pretty awesome though! But I will admit that it’s nice to go on vacation where there’s limited wifi and I’m forced to appreciate the experience haha. Thanks, Jennifer!


  5. I always lovvvve your posts like this! Thank you <3 You're right, even though I'm not much of a goal setter, these are all great tips.
    xx, Pia



    1. Aww thanks, Pia! Glad you could appreciate them :D


  6. Obsessed with this list. I love the idea of making monthly goals. I am trying to reduce media consumption right now and paying closer attention to how I spend my time online. Would like to break some bad habits! These are perfect tips to go into the new year and to reflect on our lives. Thank you!!


    1. I love that you want to get more conscious about your online consumption! It’s such a hot topic right now, and I think the holidays are such an important time to get away from it all for a while. Thanks, Gina! <3


  7. Super love this list! I just love how manageable every tip is which helps to sustain your momentum. I really want to get back into regularly journaling and reading so this is my extra motivation to do so!


    1. Woo, Kayla! I really want to get back into it too. Writing has always been what de-stresses me and gets my head clearer, so I know I need to make it a priority.


  8. Such a great list and some really good ideas in here! Might have to steal a few for December!


    1. Thank you, Anna! And I wouldn’t mind one bit ;)


    1. Haha yeah that one is tricky! It’s much easier if you go for a hike or day trip where you don’t get bored and feel the need to go online xx


  9. I LOVE this post! Especially the tips about yoga (obviously!) and MEAL PREPPING! I can’t tell you how much of a difference planning ahead, keeping the pantry stocked, prepping, and also sometimes even freezing full meals ahead of time has changed my life! So much easier, healthier, less expensive than coming up with dinner on the fly (which for me usually means take out!) I’m going to try starting a capsule wardrobe next because of your suggestion. xo


    1. I can’t imagine not meal prepping anymore (even though I always struggle to come up with meal ideas lol). It just saves so much time xx


  10. Great post – thanks for sharing x


  11. This is the greatest post I’ve read so far on this topic! Pinned it AND bookmarked it- can’t wait to put it to use, thank you!!


    1. Aww thank you SO much, Sophia! I’m glad you liked this xo


  12. LOVE IT !! ♥ what an awsome idea !
    i needed this from a long time because i suffered a lot at getting up in the morning
    but now this is a fresh start .and No MORE snoozing the alarm in the morning .
    thank you for this amazing post ♥ ♥ ♥ !


  13. These are such great tips Catherine!
    So many that I can apply to my life and so many that I already apply.
    I definitely will try to limit my screen time after work and stay offline one day a week. :)
    Thanks for sharing and being so thoughtful in your post.



  14. This article is perfectly written. I absolutely loved your ideas and will be implementing them ASAP! We could all really do with reconnecting with ourselves, and these are such lovely ideas for ways to do this. Thank you ♥


  15. Just found this post and immediately see how I can put it in place. Recently turned 61 (new 45), feel Great look good, recent empty nest (late mom). Time to get back to goal setting now that I’m looking at the other end of life because I don’t want to miss a thing! This post is so doable! THANK YOU!


  16. Such a great, informative & a helpful article. Hats off.. Thanks for the new ideas.


  17. Great tips which I’m going to have to bookmark and save for myself when I’m needing some monthly goals!



  18. Awww. This is GREAT, I feel so inspired now. I like the read 20 pages a day part the best.
    Happy December!
    xx finja | http://www.effcaa.com


  19. I’ve already adopted many of the habits on this list but I’ve been inspired by so many others that I haven’t even thought of. Dedicating a day to stay off social media will be my next goal. Book marking this page!

    Raza from http://www.implicitsimplicity.blogspot.com


  20. So many great ideas! I love finding like minded bloggers :)


  21. Great ideas! love the list…


  22. Loved this list, thank you! :)


  23. SO good!!! Great, practical tips that will really make a difference!


  24. I really enjoyed this. You are always very detailed in your blog posts and provide clear instruction/direction. You gave me some new ideas to practice this summer!

    Joy Cato


  25. I think this post is the best list I’ve ever read in a post! Thank you for the inspiration, both in setting goals and for my blog writing. I need to bookmark this and reread all the time :)

    Helen | The Little Giraffe


    1. Aww thank you so much, Helen!


    1. That’s amazing, Jenna!


  26. Fascinating. I believe you made valuable and valid points from this writing. I agree with you one hundred percent and am thankful I had the opportunity to see this.


  27. Your blogs give me the best vibes. They’re deep and spiritual. I love how in the end it’s all about staying true and caring for ourselves. Stay the way you are, it rocks


  28. Wow! Awesome stuff Catherine! This post kept me engaged and the tips are totally workable, Thanks Alot.


  29. SUCH great ideas!! Love them all. Thank you for this list.


  30. For planning my goals, I use the https://ismart.life app. Last year I completed most of my goals and I can say that good planning is the key to success. I recommend this app because it is a very simple and free web app. You can see the demo and decide whether it suits you or not…


  31. Thank you for a fabulous article. I love the idea of short goals, it’s inspired me to do 1 thing a day off my todo list, all those small little niggling things. Bless you x


    1. Glad this inspired you, Jennifer! xo


  32. I just randomly came across this post and I can’t get enough! I love this !! You have inspired me so much with all these new ideas! Thank you!!!


  33. AMAZING! Thank you keep up the GREAT work!!!!


  34. My life has been really horrible recently and I hope this will help.


  35. I need to do all of these things today! I know that is not realistic, so I think I’ll try to do at least 3 a week.


  36. I love this! It was so helpful. I have set goals for myself since January and I have been able to attack them like crazy. I wanted to dig a little deeper and set harder goals but I couldn’t figure out what exactly I wanted to do. I found your blog and now I can grow my goals bigger and attack the ones I have been so shy of. So thank you


    1. I’m so glad to hear this post helped, Dee! Go crush those goals ;)


  37. Nice blog! I so enjoyed reading this. Keep it up and looking forward on your future posts!


    1. Thank you!


  38. I fell into your blog this evening and I’m sure it isn’t by accident. I’m so grateful to see “a mindset coach to help overthinkers”… this is wonderful! Thank you!


    1. So glad you stumbled upon the blog, Tricia!


  39. You either live by processes or you live by goals. I came here looking for goals. But clearly this list is a set of activities. Not goals really. Having said that, now I am wondering if I should stick to a process and worry not about goals. Hmmm…


    1. I set these things as goals for myself to try and form habits each month. Sticking to activities and habits can be goals :)


  40. Catherine I have been reading your blog for a while now and it’s a treasure trove of great advice!

    I meditate regularly, but I never thought about staying offline for a day or keeping only one tab open in my browser. Right now I have so many tabs open, I think it will take a while before I master this :)
    Sometimes I save one of my tabs in OneNote, but I’m not doing it enough. Somehow my home is very organized and clean, but my browser tabs are a mess.

    Hope to read more great blog posts from you!


    1. Thank you so much, Kim! Trying to limit the number of tabs is definitely a challenge!


  41. this is very important in life , i like the this direction of life through this goal ideas


  42. very beautifully written. loved reading it. Keep writing. 👍


    1. Thank you so much, Emma!


  43. This motivated me to start the year RIGHT! Really motivating post. Keep it up!


  44. Reading this made me feel so motivated and inspired. I had been wanting to stay fit for quite some time and this surely pushed me. Great work really!


    1. So glad to hear that, Nicky!


  45. Loved It. Thank You for Sharing.


  46. Thank you Catherine for this beautiful post. Really impressive post & motivational. I liked it so much.


  47. Thankyou so much for this amazing post. ❤️❤️❤️


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30 Goal Ideas To Nourish Your Mind, Body, and Soul - The Blissful Mind (2024)


What are some goals of the mind? ›

  • Know when you need a break.
  • Spend 30 minutes per day by yourself.
  • Practice meditation.
  • Journal three times per week.
  • Engage in conversation with people of the same beliefs as you.
  • Plan a vacation.
  • Never eat lunch at your desk.
  • Drink 8 glasses of water per day.
Jan 12, 2021

What are your top 5 goals? ›

Top 5 Common Life Goals
  • Financial Stability. The values we have as a society have made us prioritize financial security and consider it a crucial parameter for a healthy life. ...
  • Career. ...
  • Family. ...
  • Self-development. ...
  • Social responsibility.
Mar 15, 2023

What are goals and examples? ›

27 More Examples of Personal Goals
  • Find a career that you love.
  • Find a life partner.
  • Become an expert or leader in your field.
  • Go for a walk every day.
  • Become a better listener.
  • Buy your first home.
  • Save X number of dollars for retirement.
  • Give back to your community in ways that matter to you.

What are the 5 SMART goals in life? ›

The SMART in SMART goals stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.

What are the 7 smarter goals? ›

The process of S.M.A.R.T.E.R goal-setting follows the acronym, which stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound, Evaluate, and Reward.

What are the 3 main goals? ›

There are three types of goals- process, performance, and outcome goals. Process goals are specific actions or 'processes' of performing. For example, aiming to study for 2 hours after dinner every day .

What is the No 1 goal? ›

Goal 1: No Poverty - The Global Goals. End poverty in all its forms everywhere.

What are the four main goals in life? ›

That deeply felt contentment/ satisfaction, and that of being guilt-free/shame-free, is also desired by many as an end in itself. Thus, to my naive mind, there appear at least 4 major goals of life that are worth striving for, as an end in themselves: happiness, meaning, success, and integrity.

What are the 12 steps in goal setting? ›

12 Steps to Set and Achieve Any Goal
  • Have a Desire: What Do You Really Want?
  • Believe That Your Goal is Achievable.
  • Write Your Goal Down.
  • Determine Your Starting Point.
  • Determine Why You Want It.
  • Set a Deadline.
  • Identify the Obstacles in Your Way.
  • Determine the Additional Knowledge and Skills You Need.

What are the 10 steps of goal setting? ›

How to create a plan to achieve your goals
  • Write your goals.
  • Prioritize your goals.
  • Set and celebrate small milestones within your larger goal.
  • Arrange progress deadlines.
  • Tell others about your goal.
  • Surround yourself with people who motivate you.
  • Track progress.
  • Determine what resources you need.
Sep 10, 2023

What are the 4 goals setting? ›

Once you have identified your goals, it is crucial to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. This means that your goals should be clear, realistic and have a specific deadline for completion.

What are personal goals in life? ›

Personal goals are the desired states that people seek to obtain, maintain, or avoid in their work, relationships, finances, health, and personal development. It involves identifying desired outcomes and developing a plan for achieving them, which can provide long-term direction and short-term motivation.

What are 5 goals for success? ›

  • 5 Career Goal Areas to Concentrate On.
  • Grow in Your Role. If you do nothing more than keep up the same routine at work without growing, you are limiting your potential. ...
  • Build Your Network. ...
  • Develop Good Work-Life Balance. ...
  • Find Your Joy on the Job. ...
  • Look for the Next Opportunity.

What are good life goals? ›

Financial stability: Setting financial goals such as saving for retirement or buying a home can help you plan. Leisure and hobbies: Carving out the time to do the things you love can also be important life goals.

What are the three 3 functions of the mind? ›

The mind has three basic functions: thinking, feeling, and wanting. The three functions of the mind — thoughts, feelings and desires — can be guided or directed either by one's native egocentrism or by one's potential rational capacities.

What are goals in the brain? ›

Goal-setting has been linked to higher motivation, self-esteem, confidence, and autonomy. Once you get a goal in your head, your brain will continue to nudge you about it until you begin working towards or achieve it.

Have a specific goal in mind? ›

First consider what you want to achieve, and then commit to it. Set SMART (specific, measureable, attainable, relevant and time-bound) goals that motivate you and write them down to make them feel tangible. Then plan the steps you must take to realize your goal, and cross off each one as you work through them.

What are the goals of tools of the mind? ›

Tools of the Mind is designed to produce both short-‐term and long-‐term results that have been linked in research to the development of self-‐regulation, which children apply to learning as well as social and emotional behaviors.

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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Author information

Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.